The Confidence, Courage & Clarity Collective

Course Summary

Learning to see ourselves and our goals clearly, and taking confident and courageous action towards those goals and living life the way we've always imagined. 6 week group coaching and mentorship.

You thought you’d be happier by now. (And it’s not to say that you’re NOT happy…but there’s days….)
You thought you’d have the white picket fence dream – perfect kids, loving relationship, trips to the beach…
You thought your career would be so much farther along and that all the financial stresses would be behind you.
But life happened.

Cars broke down, refrigerators stopped working, kids got sick.
You had to put everyone else’s needs first because, well, that’s what we do, right?
We are the strong women. The ones who hold it all together.
The listening ear for our spouses and our friends and our bosses and our kids.
The multi-tasker with a million plates spinning.
The reliable one. Steady. Almost…boringly predictable.

What happened to her though…
the “You” you once were….
The life of the party.
The first one to get up on the dance floor when the music started up.
The one who caught everyone’s eye because she was just so full of life and magic and energy.
The go-getter with big dreams and a big huge mission to save the world with her ideas.
Where’s she in all this hustle and bustle and chaos of life?
She’s in there.
I can see her.

I can see you – because I’ve been you.

Working so hard to keep everything together, and using your amazingness to be the glue that everyone around you needs. You tell yourself that you’ll get back to your dreams, your “You”, the life you’d always imagined soon enough.
But the years kept coming and now you’re left wondering who “You” even are anymore…and if that’s even a question worth answering.
Something still tugs at your wild heart though. You feel it every time that music pulses on the radio, calling you back to that freedom you felt, the dreams you had, the life you built your dreams on.
It’s time to find her again. Find you again. Find that fire and hope and life that’s still right there, waiting to be tapped in to and released to roar again.
Let’s find her together.

Imagine waking up each morning filled with energy because you get to LIVE the life you created today.
Pause for just a second….and envision it.

You are greeted by your loving partner, there is peace and love filling the energetic spaces of the home you’ve built together, or maybe you rise alone, ready to face the day that You are the architect of.
Your life runs on your terms – you are filled with happiness, excitement, and a deep inner knowing that Good Things Are Going To Happen.
You have the job of your dreams – maybe it’s even your own business.
You feel amazing because you take time for regular self-care.
You have healthy relationships with everyone around you because you’ve learned to set loving boundaries.
You live every day with peace and gratitude, deeply inhaling all the beautiful things surrounding you.
This is the life you’ve always imagined…just like you read about in English Lit class so many years ago.

This is what you’ve been waiting for.

This is the call from your wild heart that you are ready to answer.

And it all starts here – as we embark on a new year, a new decade together.
6 weeks of transformation – from the inside out.
An intimate sisterhood of women in your same shoes, all ready to step out of the life that’s happening to them, and step into the life that is ready to happen for them.
It will be deeply transformative, and energetically life-changing.
It’s help. Healing. Hope. And it’s life on fire.
You feel it – that pull in your heart to do more, be more, LIVE more – not for things or even for anyone else….but for YOU.

  • It’s your turn now.Inside this transformational journey, you will learn to listen to that voice in your soul, and find your fire for Living Your Life.
    Maybe you’ve never even thought of having a “life coach” or mentor before. Maybe you’ve already tried talking to a counselor and aren’t sure if this kind of program is for you.
  • What we do in the coaching/mentorship space is to help you work through some “limiting beliefs” that have been programmed into you throughout your life experiences, and clear those in order to fully create a vision for moving forward with the changes YOU want to make in order to truly live a life that you create for yourself, envision for yourself.
  • All that stuff I wrote up there? About how your life can look after this program? I know you maybe rolled your eyes, didn’t believe me, or maybe even smirked. You aren’t even sure it CAN happen for you…but that’s what I’m here for. To hold the space of believing in that for you until you believe it for yourself.
And I know this because I’ve been there.

Rock bottom.
Single momming it after divorce shattered every dream I thought I’d had for my life. Not sure how i was going to keep the bills paid let alone provide for birthdays or christmas or just the little extras that kids always seem to need.
And the hits just kept on coming~ my daughter in the hospital for weeks on end, losing what little food I had bought when the fridge crapped out on me, car problems, heater problems…..it was all I could do to get out of bed most days and keep going.

But I did.

And I had a mentor reach out to help ME through those dark cold days. Until one day I realized that my rock bottom was the foundation on which I had built this amazing new beautiful life full of everything I ever could have dreamed of or hoped for.
And I’m here to help you have that same experience.

It’s why I created this program~
The C3Q ( Clarity & Courage for the Confident Queen in you) program is 6 weeks of transformative development and includes:

  • Group chat support
  • Weekly group coaching calls led by me
  • Weekly mindset meditations to help shift your focus
  • Video training content available on your schedule to tackle some of our “limiting beliefs” and how to work through them to live the life of our dreams
  • 1:1 Welcome & Clarity Session to get you started strong
1 “hotseat” coaching session during course on weekly coaching call

This life changing program is specially priced for this launch – and payment options are available.
If you are feeling the pull on your heart that this program is for YOU~ sign up here. If you need to discuss different payment options that fit with your budget better, please send me a message – i’m happy to discuss how we can get you into this program and get you started on your C3Q journey.
You are so ready for this and deserve this change – it’s time to invest in yourself the way you’ve invested in everyone around you for so long.

Say Yes to You~ You are so Worth It

Course Curriculum

Terra Atkinson

Course Pricing

  • Monthly Payments
  • 3 payments of

    $167 USD

    per month

    3 Monthly payments of $167 each.

    Buy Now
  • Weekly Payment Plan
  • 12 payments of

    $45 USD

    per week

    12 Weekly Payments. Offer valid through 12/4/20

    Enroll Now
  • One- Time Full Payment

    $447 USD


    This offer ends12/4/20

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